Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Ahh, yes, bathtime. The favorite time of day for little boys. So on both Saturday and Sunday Nathan decided he wanted a bath. After being in there for one and one half hours I thought he was probably pruney enough. So my conversation with a 3yo went sort of like this:

Me: Nathan, time to get out of the bath

N: No

Me: All done

N: No

Me: Don't you want to get out and get all warm and dry?

N: No

Me: Nathan, ALL DONE!

No: NO! (accompanied by putting himself full length in the tub)

So I do what any self-respecting parent would do. I pull the plug. To show that I am not the boss Nathan stays in there until all the water is gone then stands up and announces:

Mama, All done!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love this...THIS one is the Boo - he LOVES his baths. Water gets cold after so long, he doesn't care...funny.