Thursday, September 20, 2007

Puzzle of the day. I snapped these shots of Nathan at VIda's birthday party. What has so caught his attention?

Family picture - Nathan, Sarita, Grandpa and Callista - what is he looking at?

Sarita wants to know what he is looking at? You should be able to guess from the zoned out look on his face.

Ahhhh - that is what he is looking at. Video game-itis has struck again. I have lost him at such a young age. Only 4 and he can handle a controller like a pro.

What??!! Were you talking to me? About me?

1 comment:

Marji said...

Hey, I know that look! that's YuYu with Ellie's Nintendo DS in her hot little fist, for hours and hours. I don't get the attraction, but I don't have much hand - eye coordination either.