Callista seems to have found her sense of fun and is now willing to share. We (that would be myself, Dakota, Callista, and Nathaniel) stopped at Jack N the Box for some quality dining experiences and the kids all needed to use the rest rooms. No problem except Callista spent about 30 seconds in the girl's room and comes out saying she was "scary" because a lady was in there breathing weird. A lot of little old ladies were enjoying the same dining experience that we were so I assume Callista was not all that comfortable on her own in the bathroom with a stranger. However, the story evolved quite a bit as we drove home. Here (paraphrasing somewhat due to necessity) is the conversation:Callista starts out with "I was scary in the bathroom. Woman called Caaallliiiissstttaaa Callliiiisssttttaaa, whoooooo ooooooo (followed by some noises that sounded suspiciously like puppy barking). I was very scary and run out. Cuz the woman called Callliiiiissstttaaa,Calllisssttttaaa I want to eat you (more noises sounding something like muffled laughter). I told woman I not strong. No eat me."
Nathaniel then breaks in with "I strong. I have powers." I say "powers?" and he promptly answers with "yes, super powers".
Callista tells him to "shut up". Then starts her story all over again. "The woman she calls Caaallliisstaaa Calliiissstttaaa I want to eat you. I tell her no, I not strong no eat me. My cousin strong but no eat cousin". Nathaniel again says "I have powers. Me strong".
Callista: "SHUT UP!"
Nathaniel: "You shut up"
Callista: "The woman she says Callisssttaaaa Calliissttaa I want to eat you. I say no eat me - eat my little brother cuz he won't SHUT UP!"
Nathan: "Shut up You!"
I tell them both to stop saying shut up and just say Hush. I, of course, say this calmly and quietly.
Callista: "HUSH UP!"
Nathaniel: "SHUSH YOU!"
I being the stable and insightful parent that I am totally crack up. While laughing I am telling them to be quieter - be quieter. Of course, neither kid is listening to me really but I manage to wind it all down when I say "Nathan be nice to FangFang-do not tell her to shut up." Callista immediately answers "Yeah, you be nice to me little brother, No, WAIT- I no FangFang I Callista!" Then both laugh their butts off. Ok I am only assuming the butts coming off part.
Callista's last words: "Mama, I funny no?"
Ahhh my little drama queen.