Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Callista has assimilated into the Morris Family almost scarily fast. Not that there were not a few bumps in the road but we like road trips and bumps are nothing new.

She and Sarita have definitely become siblings. I am not sure that Sarita is such a good influence however. Sarita is a very good dancer and the girl has rhythm. Callista would laugh at people dancing because it was new and different to her - you just did not do that sort of thing in the CWI after all. I could tell she really wanted to do some of the stuff Sarita does (ballet,etc) except she was embarrassed about trying it out. I believe Sarita has gotten her over that little bump.

The pictures below are for a dance they are creating for grandpa. It is done to Brittany Spear's song "Oops I did it again". Callista likes the music even tho she does not really understand the words entirely yet. This girl has rhythm too.

I so am not looking forward to High School. I am thinking of pulling out the shotgun now and getting it ready. You know - just leave it by the door for future boyfriend wannabes - along with Grandpa.

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