Driving home from my mom's house (about a 45 minute drive) I have the following short conversation with my 10 yo daughter:
S : "mom?"
Me: "Yes"
S: "So when I get older will I be able to find my mom? Will they keep track of her?"
Me: "Well, honey, I don't know that they keep track of your mom but I am sure that you will be able to get her address when you are older so you can contact her."
S: "Oh, that's what I meant. Thanks mom!"
Then she goes back to watching a dvd. Yes, my Honda van is equipped for road trips.
Now I believe that I belong to a small and special group of people who can actually follow and understand that conversation. Interestingly enough I have never had a problem with being one of two moms. I hopefully understand the connection that S has with her bio mom and I hope she is not disappointed later in life when they do find each other again. I believe that S is definitely going to leave her mark on the world and I am sure that all of her family will be proud to be a part of her life.