Tuesday, April 24, 2007

" Mold! Mama, mold! "

What the hec? Here comes Nathaniel running up to me with one of those little plastic tubs of chip dip in his hands. Uh, oh - I just bought that so there could not possibly be any mold in it. I open it up and see none. Without waiting for the mommy mold check Nathan sticks his finger(s) right in, scoops some up and sticks it in his mouth with a big smile. "Good mold mama".

Now I don't want anyone to think that this reflects on the, ummm, 'natural' state of the contents of my refrigerator but sometimes I do buy things for a specific purpose and ,well, if that purpose never comes to fruition or perhaps I purchased too much in my zeal to have enough then mold happens. Perhaps grandpa was visiting and pulled out some whip cream in a very similar plastic tub, opened it and discovered mold on the side. Perhaps he then let Nathaniel stick his finger in the non-moldy part and take a taste. Nathaniel loves whip cream (Of course, I guess all kids do). Then grandpa shows the moldy part to Nathan and says "Mold" and Nathan looks at it and thinks "yum, mold!".

I apparently now have a child who will proclaim to the world that not only does mommy grow mold, but she lets him eat it and he loves it.

Thanks grandpa.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I finally threw out spices & hot sauces I've had since I lived in VEGAS. My son-in-law threw out ketchup last time he visited...I 'get' the good mold thing.